Rule of Nines for Burns NCLEX Quiz Questions (2024)

Rule of Nines NCLEX questions quiz for the adult patient who has experienced burns. The Rule of Nines is used to calculate the total body surface for a patient who has experienced burns.

Based on the percentage of total body surface area that is burned, the provider can calculate the amount of fluid replacement (Lactated Ringer’s) the patient will need during the first 24 hours after the burn using the Parkland Burn Formula. As the nurse it is essential you are familiar with the Rule of Nines calculation.

Don’t forget to watch the lecture on Rule of Nines before taking the quiz.

Rule of Nines NCLEX Quiz Questions

This quiz will test your knowledge on using the Rule of Nines for burns in the adult.

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Rule of Nines NCLEX Questions

Rule of Nines for Burns NCLEX Quiz Questions (1)1. A 25 year old female patient has sustained burns to the back of the right arm, posterior trunk, front of the left leg, anterior head and neck, and perineum. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

A. 46%

B. 37%

C. 36%

D. 28%

The answer is B. Back of right arm (4.5%), posterior trunk (18%), front of left leg (9%), anterior head and neck (4.5%) and perineum (1%) which equals 37%.

2. A 68 year old male patient has partial thickness burns to the front and back of the right and left leg, front of right arm, and anterior trunk. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

A. 40.5%

B. 49.5%

C. 58.5%

D. 67.5%

The answer is C. Front and back of right and left leg (36%), front of right arm (4.5%), anterior trunk (18%) which equals 58.5%.

3. A 35 year old male patient has full thickness burns to the anterior and posterior head and neck, front of left leg, and perineum. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

A. 37%

B. 14.5%

C. 29%

D. 19%

The answer is D. Anterior and posterior head and neck (9%), front of left leg (9%), perineum (1%) which equals 19%.

4. A 66 year old female patient has deep partial-thickness burns to both of the legs on the back, front and back of the trunk, both arms on the front and back, and front and back of the head and neck. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

A. 72%

B. 63%

C. 81%

D. 45%

The answer is C. Both of the legs on the back (18%), front and back of the trunk (36%), both arms on the front and back (18%), front and back of the head and neck (9%) which equals 81%.

5. A 58 year old female patient has superficial partial-thickness burns to the anterior head and neck, front and back of the left arm, front of the right arm, posterior trunk, front and back of the right leg, and back of the left leg. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

A. 63%

B. 81%

C. 72%

D. 54%

The answer is A. Anterior head and neck (4.5%), front and back of the left arm (9%), front of the right arm (4.5%), posterior trunk (18%), front and back of the right leg (18%), back of the left leg (9%) which equals 63%.

6. A 35 year old male patient has superficial partial-thickness burns to the anterior right arm, posterior left leg, and anterior head and neck. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

A. 36%

B. 9%

C. 18%

D. 29%

The answer is C. Anterior right arm (4.5%), posterior left leg (9%), and anterior head and neck (4.5%) which equals 18%.

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Rule of Nines for Burns NCLEX Quiz Questions (2024)
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