Mom\'s Amazing Stuffing Recipe | Budget Earth (2024)

by Susan Bewley

Mom\'s Amazing Stuffing Recipe | Budget Earth (1)

Are there certain things that you enjoy during the holidays? For me, it’s always fun gathering around the table with family. I have fond memories of my brothers coming in for Thanksgiving and Christmas, either from college or their busy lives. As an excited little kid though, I don’t know what I cared about more – the fact that I was sometimes seeing my older brothers for the first time in months, or the fact that my mother was cooking some of my favorite dishes that she only makes forThanksgiving, Christmas, and sometimes Easter. While my brothers rarely come in and holidays are now spent with my husband’s family and my mother, I still look forward to some of those little special dishes.

One recipe that nearly all of us have asked my mother for at some point or another during the holidays is her stuffing recipe. This recipe originally came from my grandmother, who was EXTREMELY protective of all of our recipes. She was so nervous of anyone taking her recipes that she never even wrote them down. Luckily, my mother was able to get a few of her recipes from her, one of which was her stuffing recipe. Over the years, my mother has changed some of the ingredients, giving it a modern touch, otherswhich make preparing it even easier. Even today, I consider it the best stuffing recipe I have had to date!

When my mother gave me permission to share her wonderful stuffing recipe, I was ecstatic! I consider my readers to be like family and I couldn’t wait for them to try this wonderful recipe that has become a family tradition for not only my immediate family, but my brothers’ families as well. Everyone agrees that mom’s recipe is absolutely amazing. Of course, the only change I made to the recipe was using my favorite, local bread – Klosterman’s. My family has loved Klosterman Bread since we moved into the area, especially their honey wheat and wheat bread. Including it in my mom’s stuffing recipe seemed like a great addition to a recipe that was already amazing.

Mom\'s Amazing Stuffing Recipe | Budget Earth (2)

If you are looking for an awesome stuffing recipe this holiday season, make sure to give our family stuffing recipe a try. We think you will love it just as much as our own family. Feel free to tell us what you think of this recipe in the comments below!


Mom’s Amazing Stuffing Recipe

4.7 from 62 reviews

A delicious and slightly moist bread-based sausage stuffing recipe. While this recipe is prepared for cooking as a side dish for the holidays, it can also be made inside the turkey.

  • Author: Susan Bewley
  • Prep Time: 30 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hour
  • Yield: 10 1x
  • Category: Side Dish



  • (1) 14 ounce package Pepperidge Farm herb seasoned stuffing bread
  • (1/2) day old loaf Klosterman wheat bread, sliced & cut into small cubes and baked in pre-heated 400 degree oven on medium shelf for about 5-6 minutes
  • (1) 1 lb roll of Tennessee Pride mild sausage, uncooked, cut into eight slices
  • (4 to 6) fresh celery stalks, washed, peeled and cut into very small pieces
  • (1) medium onion, washed, peeled and cut into tiny pieces
  • (1) 15 ounce can low-sodium chicken broth, or your own chicken broth (do not add salt to broth)
  • Dried seasonings for chicken broth: (1/2) teaspoon poultry seasoning, (1/2) teaspoon celery powder, (1/2) teaspoon dried parsley flakes, pepper to taste
  • 1/2 stick melted butter or margarine
  • (1) half size aluminum disposable pan


  1. Sautee onion & celery pieces in fry pan with small amount of canola oil until soft. Remove and set aside.
  2. Add dried seasonings to chicken broth and heat on stove, or in microwave (not too hot to handle with hands)
  3. Lightly spray sides and bottom of half size aluminum pan with canola oil.
  4. In aluminum pan, mix Klosterman wheat bread cubes with Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned stuffing mix.
  5. Add sautéed onion and celery evenly over bread mixture.
  6. Evenly add sliced, uncooked sausage to mixture.
  7. With a tablespoon or small ladle, slowly add heated chicken broth evenly to mixture, as you slowly combine with your hands. Mix all ingredients until evenly distributed and slightly moist. Do not over-mix, bread mixture should be moist but not mushy, and should not be hard or dry.
  8. When mixture is evenly distributed in aluminum pan, with a pastry brush lightly brush melted butter over top of mixture. Cover top with aluminum foil.
  9. Bake in 350 degree oven on medium shelf for about 30 minutes. Check after 30 minutes to see if done. Remove aluminum foil and bake for an additional ten minutes until evenly browned on top. Sausage should be completely cooked and stuffing should be lightly browned. DO NOT OVERBAKE OR DRESSING WILL BE VERY DRY.

Disclosure:Budget Earth did not receive monetary compensation but did receive free bread vouchers to use in this recipe from Klosterman’s bread. All opinions on this product are my own and may differ from our readers’ opinions.

Would you like to have your products featured in a giveaway event? Want to increase your social media exposure? Contactsusan.l.bewley@gmail.comto see how I can help YOUR company today!

Mom\'s Amazing Stuffing Recipe | Budget Earth (4)

AboutSusan Bewley

Susan Bewley is a professional writer who has been writing content online & in print format for over 10 years. As well, she is an alumni of the University of Louisville with a Masters Degree in Special Education. When not working as an online business consultant or ghost writing, she can be found writing on Budget Earth, on her own novel, or working with various entities in the pet industry.

Mom\'s Amazing Stuffing Recipe | Budget Earth (2024)
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