LAT APPAREL - Ladies' Maternity Fine Jersey Tee - 3509 (2025)

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'; colorsSwatchHtml += '

'; } else { //Code for Hexa Codes //console.log('single code '); if (slcColorLabel === 'All Colors') return true; if (selectedColor == '') selectedColor = colorData.slc_color_id; if (selectedColorKey == '') selectedColorKey = key; var slcColorLabelArray = slcColorLabel.split("-"); var slcColorCodeArray = slcColorLabelArray[1].split("~"); if (slcColorCodeArray.length == 1) { //Swatch with one color colorsSwatchHtml += '

'; colorsSwatchHtml += '

'; colorsSwatchHtml += '


'; colorsSwatchHtml += '

'; } else if (slcColorCodeArray.length == 2 || slcColorCodeArray.length == 3) { //Swatch with 2 colors var colorClass = 'two-color'; if (slcColorCodeArray.length == 3) { colorClass = 'three-color'; } colorsSwatchHtml += '

'; for (var j=0;j

'; } colorsSwatchHtml += '


'; colorsSwatchHtml += '

'; } } colorDropdownHtml += '

'; }); colorDropdownHtml +=''; //colorsSwatchHtml += '

Colors Available:

'; $('.allcolor-wrapper').html(colorsSwatchHtml); $('.select-wrapper').html(colorDropdownHtml); changeColor(); /** * Looping the available sizes to build the table header row. */ var sizeHeader = '

'; $.each(AvailableSizes, function(sizeLabel, sortOrder){ sizeHeader += ''+sizeLabel+''; }); console.log('user logged in === '+userLoggedIn); console.log('selected color == '+selectedColor); //console.log('selected warehouse == '+selectedWarehouse); if (userLoggedIn != 0) { sizeHeader += ''; } $('#super-product-table').html(sizeHeader); return colorsSwatchHtml; } function notify(customer_id, product_id,warehouse,size,selectedColor,sourceCode) { var status = jQuery('#notify_'+product_id+'_'+warehouse).prop("checked"); jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: '/customscript/ajax/notify', data: "customer_id=" + customer_id + "&product_id=" + product_id + "&status=" + status + "&warehouse=" + warehouse, success: function (result) { // if(globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size].notify_warehouses === undefined){ globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size.split('_').join(' ')].notify_warehouses=sourceCode; // } globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size.split('_').join(' ')].notify_status = status; jQuery('#ogData').val(JSON.stringify(globalData)); console.log(result); globalAlert({ title: 'Notify Me', content: result }); //alert(result); } }); }; function WHinfo(warehouse, product_id) { jQuery('#product_addtocart_form').mage('validation', { }); if (jQuery('#product_addtocart_form').valid() !== false) { jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", url: '/customization/product/warehouse', data: "warehouse=" + warehouse + "&product_id=" + product_id }); } } function changeWarehouse() { $ = jQuery; $("#wh_store").change(function () { var wrVal = $(this).val(); $("#super-product-table tbody").show(); if(wrVal == "ALL") { $("#super-product-table tbody").find("tr[wh-data]").show(); }else { $("#super-product-table tbody").each(function(){ var base = $(this); base.find("tr[wh-data]").hide(); base.find("tr[wh-data]").each(function(){ if($(this).attr("wh-data") == wrVal){ $(this).show(); } }); }); $("#super-product-table tbody").each(function(){ if ($(this).has("> tr[wh-data]:visible").length === 0){ $(this).hide(); } }); } }); } function changeColor() { $ = jQuery; $('#color_option').change(function(){ var selectedColor = $(this).val(); var selectedColorKey = $('option:selected',this).attr('color_key'); console.log('Came to change color option '+selectedColor+' == '+selectedColorKey); if (selectedColorKey == 'all_color') { $('table#super-product-table tbody').remove(); $('#color_option > option').each(function(index){ if(index > 0) { switchColor(this.value, $(this).attr('color_key'),'all_color'); jQuery('#color_option').find('option[value="'+this.value+'"]').removeAttr("selected"); } }); jQuery('#color_option').find('option[value="all_color"]').attr("selected", "selected"); jQuery('#color_option').val('all_color'); } else { switchColor(selectedColor, selectedColorKey, 'single_color'); } }); } /** * This function is used to switch b/w the colors and render the table grid and reload the warehouse dropdown. * @param selectedColor */ function switchColor(selectedColor, selectedColorKey, noOfColors = 'single_color') { var swatchBaseUrl = jQuery('#color_swatch_image_url').val(); console.log('came to switch color '+ selectedColor+'== kee == '+selectedColorKey); var globalData = jQuery('#ogData').val(); globalData = JSON.parse(globalData); jQuery('div#global-box-tocart').remove(); if (globalData == '' || selectedColor == '') return false; var getSelectedColorData = globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor]; /** * Remove active class first **/ jQuery('.swatch-item').each(function(){ jQuery(this).removeClass('_active'); }); jQuery('#swatch_'+selectedColor).addClass('_active'); jQuery('#color_option > option').each(function(){ jQuery(this).removeAttr("selected"); }); //console.log(getSelectedColorData); var selectedColorTitle = globalData.colors_data[selectedColorKey].color_label; selectedColorTitle = selectedColorTitle.replaceAll('|', ''); //To Update the active selected color label. jQuery('#active-color').html(selectedColorTitle); var gridHtml = ''; gridHtml += ''; if (selectedColorKey == 'ALL') selectedColorKey='ALL_Colors'; var slcColorLabel = globalData.colors_data[selectedColorKey].slc_color_label; if (slcColorLabel.indexOf(':') > -1) { //If the swatch is image var slcColorLabelArray = slcColorLabel.split(":"); gridHtml += ''; } else { var slcColorLabelArray = slcColorLabel.split("-"); var slcColorCodeArray = slcColorLabelArray[1].split("~"); if (slcColorCodeArray.length == 1) { //Swatch with one color gridHtml += ''; } else if (slcColorCodeArray.length == 2 || slcColorCodeArray.length == 3) { var gridClose = ''; for (var j=0;j'; gridClose += ''; } else { var width = 'width: 33.33%;'; if (j == 0) { floatClass = 'float:left;'; width = 'width: 100%;'; } gridHtml += '

'; if (j > 0) { gridHtml += '

'; } gridClose = ''; } } gridHtml += gridClose; } } gridHtml += '
'+selectedColorTitle+''; gridHtml += 'Price'; /** * Price render if the user is logged in */ var sizes = globalData.all_sizes; if (globalData.is_user_logged_in > 0) { console.log('came to price render '); var priceData = globalData.custom_price_data; var tierPriceData = globalData.tier_price_data; jQuery.each(sizes, function(size, sortOrder){ var sizeData = getSelectedColorData[size]; if (sizeData == undefined) { gridHtml += ''; } else { console.log(sizeData); var productPrice = priceData[sizeData.sku]; if (productPrice == undefined) { //If the Deal price is not available, look for tier price by group //console.log(sizeData); productPrice = tierPriceData[sizeData.sku]; } if (productPrice == undefined) { //If the deal price and tier price are not there, normal price productPrice = sizeData.price; } gridHtml += '

$'+productPrice; gridHtml += '

'; } }); } /** * Inventory Render and loop by available warehouses */ if (globalData.hasOwnProperty('available_warehouses_by_color') && globalData.available_warehouses_by_color.hasOwnProperty((selectedColor))) { var availableWarehouses = globalData.available_warehouses_by_color[selectedColor]; var allSources = globalData.all_source_details; globalAddToCartStatus = false; var orangeStatus = false; jQuery.each(allSources, function(sourceCode,SourceName){ if (!availableWarehouses.hasOwnProperty(sourceCode)) { delete allSources[sourceCode]; } }); jQuery.each(allSources, function(sourceCode,source){ if (globalData.logged == true && globalData.customer_email!='' && jQuery.inArray(globalData.customer_email, globalData.limit_emails)!= -1 && jQuery.inArray(source.source_description, globalData.limit_warehouses)!= -1) { delete allSources[sourceCode]; // return false; } }); var notLoggedIn = ''; if (globalData.is_user_logged_in <= 0) { notLoggedIn = 'notloginQty'; } var WarehouseDropdownHtml = ''; // var orangeStatus = ''; jQuery.each(allSources, function(sourceCode,source){ /** * Here we have added the logic to hide the warehouse, w.r.t the store configuration mentioned restrict Sku * */ let hidewarehouseSKus = allSources[sourceCode]['hidewarehouse_skus']; if(hidewarehouseSKus.length > 0 && jQuery.inArray(globalData['parent_sku'], hidewarehouseSKus) !== -1) { return; } gridHtml += ''; gridHtml += ''; gridHtml += ''+source.source_name; gridHtml += ''; gridHtml += ''; gridHtml += 'Inventory'; var wHAddtoCartStatus = false; var productId = ''; //Loop Each size and get Inventory jQuery.each(sizes, function(size, sortOrder) { var sizeData = getSelectedColorData[size] if (sizeData == undefined) { //gridHtml += ''; gridHtml += ''; } else { productId = sizeData.entity_id; var priceData = globalData.custom_price_data; var tierPriceData = globalData.tier_price_data; var productMobilePrice = priceData[sizeData.sku]; if (productMobilePrice == undefined) { //If the Deal price is not available, look for tier price by group //console.log(sizeData); productMobilePrice = tierPriceData[sizeData.sku]; } if (productMobilePrice == undefined) { //If the deal price and tier price are not there, normal price productMobilePrice = sizeData.price; } console.log('size data from inventory loop') if (globalData.is_user_logged_in > 0) { gridHtml += ''; if (sizeData.hasOwnProperty('quantity_per_source') && sizeData.quantity_per_source.hasOwnProperty(sourceCode) && sizeData.quantity_per_source[sourceCode] > 0) { var QtyLabel = sizeData.quantity_per_source[sourceCode]; if (QtyLabel >= 500) QtyLabel = '500+'; gridHtml += '

'; console.log(jQuery.inArray(source.source_description, globalData.orange_warehouses)); console.log("asdf"); if (jQuery.inArray(source.source_description, globalData.orange_warehouses) != -1 || jQuery.inArray(sizeData.sku, globalData.orange_skus) != -1) { gridHtml += '

' + QtyLabel + '

'; } else { gridHtml += '

' + QtyLabel + '

'; } gridHtml += '';gridHtml += '

'; if (globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size] !== undefined) { if(globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size].qty_increment !== undefined){ if(globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size].qty_increment[sourceCode] > 0){ gridHtml += '

'; gridHtml += 'Minimum order quantity per Size:'+globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size].qty_increment[sourceCode]; gridHtml += '

'; } } } gridHtml += ''; globalAddToCartStatus = true; wHAddtoCartStatus = true; } else { // Show notify me option if (globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size].notify_status && globalData.child_by_color[selectedColor][size].notify_warehouses == sourceCode) { gridHtml += '

Notify Me

'; } else { gridHtml += '

Notify Me

'; } } gridHtml += ''; } else { gridHtml += ''; gridHtml += '


'; } } }); /** * Display the Addtocart button if the user is logged in and any of the size has inventory */ if (globalData.is_user_logged_in > 0 && wHAddtoCartStatus) { gridHtml += ''; gridHtml += ''; } else { gridHtml += ''; } /** * Build the warehouse dropdown html */ WarehouseDropdownHtml += ''; }); } else { var sizesLength = Object.keys(globalData.all_sizes).length + 2; globalAddToCartStatus = false; gridHtml += '

No warehouses has been available for the selected color

'; } console.log(noOfColors); if (noOfColors == 'single_color') { jQuery('table#super-product-table tbody').remove(); jQuery('table#super-product-table thead').after(gridHtml); jQuery('#color_option').find('option[value="'+selectedColor+'"]').attr("selected", "selected"); jQuery('#color_option').val(selectedColor); } else if(noOfColors == 'all_color') { var tbody = jQuery('table#super-product-table').find('tbody'); if (tbody.length == 0) { jQuery('table#super-product-table thead').after(gridHtml); } else { jQuery('table#super-product-table tbody:last-child').after(gridHtml); } } jQuery('#wh_store').html(WarehouseDropdownHtml); changeWarehouse(); /** * Update the Image based on the selection **/ if (globalData.image_urls.hasOwnProperty(selectedColor)) { var SimpleProdImage = globalData.image_urls[selectedColor]; jQuery(".fotorama__active").attr('href',SimpleProdImage); jQuery(".fotorama__active").html('LAT APPAREL - Ladies' Maternity Fine Jersey Tee - 3509 (2)LAT APPAREL - Ladies' Maternity Fine Jersey Tee - 3509 (3)'); } //Sticky issue /*setTimeout(function() { if (jQuery("#super-product-table").length && jQuery("#super-product-table").height() > 250) { jQuery("#super-product-table").stickyTableHeaders(); } },1000);*/ /** * Adding the Global Addto Cart button */ console.log('globalAddToCartStatus == '+globalAddToCartStatus); console.log('= sttus 2' + jQuery('div#global-box-tocart').length); if (globalAddToCartStatus == true && jQuery('div#global-box-tocart').length == 0) { var globalAddToCartHtml = '

'; globalAddToCartHtml += '

'; jQuery('#product_addtocart_form').append(globalAddToCartHtml); } else { //console.log('Came to else == '+globalAddToCartStatus); jQuery('.box-tocart').remove(); } } function hideLoader() { if (jQuery('.loading-mask').length) { jQuery('.loading-mask').hide(); } else { console.log('hide loader called and no loading div active') } }

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LAT APPAREL - Ladies' Maternity Fine Jersey Tee - 3509 (4)

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  • 100% combed ringspun cotton fine jersey, 4.5 oz.
  • White is sewn with 100% cotton thread
  • Topstitched ribbed collar
  • Self-fabric back neck tape
  • Double needle sleeves and bottom hem
  • Ruched side detail
  • Side seam construction
  • EasyTear™ label
  • Fit:Ladies' Maternity
  • Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL 3XL


I am an expert and enthusiast based assistant. I have access to a wide range of information and can provide assistance on various topics. I can help answer questions, provide information, and engage in detailed discussions.

Regarding the concepts used in the provided article, let's break them down:

Add to Wish List

The "Add to Wish List" feature allows users to save products they are interested in for future reference. It is commonly found on e-commerce websites and provides a convenient way for users to keep track of items they want to purchase later.


colorsSwatchHtml appears to be a variable used in the code snippet provided. It seems to be related to generating HTML code for displaying color swatches and options for a product. The code likely dynamically generates the HTML based on the available colors for the product.

100% combed ringspun cotton fine jersey

This phrase describes the fabric composition of a product. It indicates that the fabric is made of 100% combed ringspun cotton fine jersey. Combed ringspun cotton is a type of cotton that has been combed to remove impurities and create a smoother, finer yarn. Fine jersey refers to a lightweight, smooth fabric typically used for t-shirts or other garments.

Ladies' Maternity Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL

This indicates the available sizes for a product specifically designed for maternity wear. The sizes range from S (small) to 3XL (triple extra large) and are intended to accommodate the changing body shape during pregnancy.


This statement suggests that for items with inventory quantities displayed in orange, they are non-returnable, and all sales are final. This may be a policy specific to the website or retailer mentioned in the article.

Please note that the information provided above is based on the context and understanding of the concepts mentioned. If you need more specific information or have any further questions, feel free to ask!

LAT APPAREL - Ladies' Maternity Fine Jersey Tee - 3509 (2025)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 5862

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.