Admission to Major
Acceptance as a major in businessis based on overall academic performance and on performance in selected courses. Detailed admission criteria may be obtained from the Office of the School of Business.
Business Core Curriculum (all Business majors): 40 credits
The School of Business offers eight undergraduate degree programs: Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Business, International Business, Marketing, and Management. Students in each Business major must complete a 40-credit core curriculum consisting of the following courses, in which a minimum grade of C- is required for credit toward the major, with the exceptions noted below:
ECO206 Microeconomics (3)
ECO207 Macroeconomics (3)
BUS093 Business Workshop (0)
BUS095 Excel Competency/Tutorial (0)
BUS201 Financial Accounting (3) - NOTE: Accounting majors must earn at least C+ in BUS201.
BUS202 Managerial Accounting (3)
BUS250 Principles of Management (3)
BUS271 Legal Environment of Business (3)
BUS301 Internship & Career Practicum (1)
BUS309 Statistics for Business and Economics I (3)
BUS311 Statistics for Business and Economics II (3)
BUS312 Operations Management (3)
BUS325 Marketing (3)
BUS341 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (3) - NOTE: Finance majors must earn at least C+ in BUS341.
BUS450 Strategic Management (3)
Applied Learning requirement (3)
Building on this core curriculum, students in each of the eight majors complete specialized courses, as detailed below. A minimum grade of C- is required for credit toward the major, with the Accounting exception noted below.
Accounting: 24 credits (Total credits: 64)
See Program Changes for revisions effective fall 2024.
Required Accounting courses..........................24 credits
BUS272 Business Law for Accountants (3)
BUS368 Intermediate Accounting I (3) - NOTE: Accounting majors must earn at least C+ in BUS368.
BUS369 Intermediate Accounting II (3)
BUS371 Concepts in Federal Income Taxation (3)
BUS373 Cost Accounting (3)
BUS375 Auditing (3)
BUS441 Financial Management and Policy (3)
BUS442 Advanced Accounting (3)
Notice to Persons Who Have Prior Felony Convictions
State University of New York (SUNY) policy prohibits SUNY New Paltz admission applications from inquiring into an applicant's prior criminal history. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet the licensure requiements for certain professiona, including the program in Accounting.
Individuals with prior criminal histories are advised to seek advice and guidance from the chair of the academic department regarding the impact of a criminal record on meeting the requirements of the major/professional licensures or certification prior to declaring the major.
Business Analytics: 24 credits (Total credits: 64)
Required Business Analytics courses..............15 credits
BUS216 Data Wrangling with R (3)
BUS347 Business Analytics (3)
BUS348 Decision Modeling & Analysis (3)
BUS349 Data Management & Big Data (3)
BUS381 Advanced Business Analytics (3)
BUS461 Business Analytics Capstone (3), which fulfills the Applied Learning requirement (see Business Core Curriculum, above)
Elective requirement..........................................9 credits
Select three of the following upper-division electives:
BUS385 Supply Chain Analytics (3)
BUS386 Marketing Analytics (3)
BUS387 Analytics in Health Care (3)
BUS389 Time Series Analysis for Business (3)
BUS390 Business Intelligence & Analytics (3)
BUS391 Data Visualization (3)
BUS419 Seminar in Analytics (3)
BUS425 Marketing Research (3)
BUS452 Digital Marketing Analytics (3)
BUS459 Risk Management & Derivatives (3)
BUS392/BUS460 Financial Analytics (3)
Entrepreneurship: 18 credits (Total credits: 58)
Required Entrepreneurship courses……………………………18 credits
BUS321 Organizational Behavior (3)
BUS323 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3)
BUS345 Human Resource Management (3)
BUS423 New Venture Development (3)
BUS457 Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (3), which fulfills the Applied Learning requirement (see Business Core Curriculum, above)
Select two of the following:
BUS346 International Business (3)
BUS422 Leadership (3)
BUS424 Social Entrepreneurship (3)
BUS458 Introduction to Project Management (3)
Finance: 21-22 credits (Total credits: 61-62)
Required Finance courses...............................12 credits
BUS441 Financial Management and Policy (3)
BUS443 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (3)
BUS445 International Financial Management (3)
BUS459 Introduction to Risk Management & Derivatives (3)
Group 1 electives...............................................6 credits
Select two of the following:
ECO306 Intermediate Microeconomics (3)
ECO307 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3)
BUS447 Personal Financial Planning (3) or BUS347 Business Analytics (3)
Group 2 electives............................................3-4 credits
Select one of the following:
MAT251 Calculus I (4)
ECO303 Money & Banking (3)
BUS368 Intermediate Accounting I (3)
BUS371 Concepts in Federal Income Taxation (3)
BUS389 Time Series Modeling for Business (3)
BUS392/BUS460 Financial Analytics (3)
General Business: 21 credits (Total credits: 61)
Required General Business courses....................21 credits
One upper-division course must be taken from each of the following areas:
- Finance (3)
- International Business (3)
- Management (3)
- Marketing (3)
- Three elective courses (9 credits) - Students may choose electives from the above-mentioned areas or from the following four categories, provided all prerequisite requirements are met. Courses taken to fulfill a Business Core or Business Major requirement may not also be used to satisfy the elective requirement.
- Accounting
- Economics
- Independent Study: Students may contact faculty in the School of Business to undertake independent study
- Internship: Students may contact the Director of Business Advising to arrange for an internship and to determine the number of credits applied.
International Business: 18-19 credits (Total credits: 58-59) + language proficiency
In addition to completing the courses listed below, International Business majors must achieve Intermediate 2-level world language proficiency.
Required International Business courses.............15 credits
BUS346 International Business (3)
BUS431 Cross-Cultural Management (3)
BUS445 International Financial Management (3)
Select two of the following (6 credits):
BUS430 International Marketing (3)
BUS432 International Entrepreneurship (3)
BUS451 Global Virtual Teams (3)
SAB3xx Study Abroad course, by advisem*nt (3)
Area Study elective.............................................3-4 credits
Select one course from a list of designated options.
Management: 18 credits (Total credits: 58)
Required Management courses............................18 credits
Select one of the following tracks:
General Track
BUS321 Organizational Behavior (3)
BUS345 Human Resource Management (3)
BUS346 International Business (3)
Select three of the following:
BUS323 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3)
BUS324 Introduction to Managing Sustainability (3)
BUS422 Leadership (3)
BUS423 New Venture Development (3)
BUS424 Social Entrepreneurship (3)
BUS431 International Management (3)
BUS458 Introduction to Project Management (3)
Entrepreneurship Track: Discontinued as of Fall 2021. Please see Entrepreneurship major above.
Sustainability Track - See Program Changes for revisions effective fall 2024.
BUS321 Organizational Behavior (3)
BUS324 Introduction to Managing Sustainability (3)
BUS345 Human Resource Management (3)
BUS346 International Business (3)
BUS424 Social Entrepreneurship (3)
Select one upper-division Sustainability elective from outside the School of Business:
GLG339 Natural Resources & Energy (3)
PHI303 Environmental Ethics (3)
POL311 American Environmental Politics (3)
POL347 Politics of Environment & Development (3)
SOC317 Environmental Sociology (3)
Marketing: 21 credits (Total credits: 61)
Required Marketing courses...............................6 credits
BUS326 Consumer Behavior (3)
BUS425 Marketing Research (3)
Select one of the following tracks...........................15 credits
General Marketing - Select five courses from the following:
BUS327 Sales Management (3)
BUS328 Food Retail Management (3)
BUS329 Category Management (3)
BUS360 Digital Marketing Strategy (3)
BUS386 Marketing Analytics (3)
BUS427 Advertising Strategy (3)
BUS429 Marketing Strategy (3)
BUS430 International Marketing (3)
BUS452 Digital Marketing Analytics (3)
Food Marketing
BUS328 Food Retail Management (3)
BUS329 Category Management (3)
BUS429 Marketing Strategy (3)
Select two courses from the following:
BUS327 Sales Management (3)
BUS360 Digital Marketing Strategy (3)
BUS386 Marketing Analytics (3)
BUS427 Advertising Strategy (3)
BUS430 International Marketing (3)
BUS452 Digital Marketing Analytics (3)