Academic Policies Grading Policies - Kennesaw State University (2024)

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Grading SystemOther GradesDirected StudyCooperative Education and InternshipsGrade Point Average (GPA)
Grade ChangesGrade AppealsSemester HonorsAcademic StandingReadmission after Dismissal
Repeated Course PolicyRe-enrollment PolicyAcademic RenewalAcademic Renewal for Second Degree

Special Topics

    Grade Reports

    Official grade reports are available on the web through Owl Express. All grades reflected are those submitted by faculty at the time of posting. Grade reports, in addition to the official grades for that semester, contain a term grade point average (Term GPA), an institutional GPA, and a cumulative GPA.

    Grading System

    Issuance of grades and formulation of individual attendance policies are the prerogative of the instructor. The course instructor must make feedback available to each student about that student’s academic progress in the course prior to the last published day to withdraw without academic penalty. The Board of Regents (BOR) of the University System of Georgia (USG) Policy Manual, Section 3.5, states grades are expected to conform to those listed below.

    The following are the final grades included in the determination of the scholastic grade point average.

    Final GradesQuality Points per Credit Hour*
    A- Excellent4.00
    B- Good3.00
    C- Satisfactory2.00
    D- Passing1.00
    F- Failure0.00
    WF- Withdrew Failing0.00

    * Quality points are not awarded in learning support courses. These courses give institutional credit only, not graduation credit.

    Other Grades

    I: denotes an incomplete grade for the course. An incomplete grade may be awarded only when the student was doing satisfactory work prior to the last two weeks of the semester but for nonacademic reasons beyond the student’s control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course.

    • A grade of “I” must be removed by completing the course requirements within one calendar year from the end of the semester in which the “I” was originally assigned. In addition, should the student enroll in classes at KSU during the calendar year, the grade of “I” must be removed by the end of the first semester of enrollment during that calendar year.
    • Upon completion of the course requirements within the specified time limits, a final grade will be assigned based on the student’s total performance.
    • If the course requirements are not completed within the specified time limits, the “I” will be changed to an “F” for a course that awards grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F” and the student’s cumulative and institutional GPAs will be recalculated accordingly, or the “I” will be changed to a “U” for a course which awards a grade of “S” or “U.” An incomplete grade cannot be removed by reenrolling in the course.

    IP: indicates that credit has not been given in a course that requires a continuation of work beyond the term for which the student enrolled in the course. This symbol cannot be substituted for an “I.”

    K: indicates credit awarded by examination including, but not limited to, the following:

    • Advanced Placement (AP)
    • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
    • International Baccalaureate (IB)
    • DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
    • Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (FLATS)
    • Departmental Course Exams for Advanced Standing
    • Prior Learning Assessment (portfolio review)
    • Military Credit

    NR:indicates no grade was reported. The grade will be changed to the appropriate grade once determined.

    NA:Never Attended (for attendance verification). The grade will be changed to the appropriate withdrawal grade.

    S:indicates satisfactory completion of a credit-bearing course and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average. The use of this grade is approved for thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, and internship. It also indicates satisfactory completion of certain credit laboratory-type courses.

    U: indicates unsatisfactory completion of a credit-bearing course and is not included in the calculation of the grade point average. The use of this grade is approved for thesis hours, student teaching, clinical practicum, and internship. It also indicates unsatisfactory completion of certain credit laboratory-type courses.

    V: indicates the student was given permission to audit the course. It is not included in the calculation of the grade point average. A student may not transfer from audit to credit status or vice versa. The use of this grade is approved for cooperative (COOP) courses.

    W: indicates the student was permitted to withdraw from the course without penalty. A course in which a grade of “W” has been assigned will not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

    WF:indicates the student was permitted to withdraw from a course with the approval of the Registrar after the withdrawal date listed in the Semester Schedule of Classes. The grade of “WF” is counted as an “F” in the calculation of the student’s grade point average.

    WM:indicates a student was permitted to withdraw without penalty at any time during the term based on a military service refund, as defined by BOR Policy Manual, Section

    Directed Study

    The following institutional regulations apply to directed study. Additional departmental requirements may exist.

    General restrictions:

    • Content in the directed study must not substantially overlap an existing course in the curriculum.
    • A student may not enroll in more than three semester credit hours of directed study coursework per semester.
    • A maximum of ten semester hours of directed study may be used to satisfy degree requirements with a maximum of three hours used as related studies electives and a maximum of three hours used as free electives. The department shall determine the maximum number of hours allowed within the major.
    • A student must have an overall institutional GPA of at least 3.0 and a cumulative GPA in the major of at least 3.0 in order to be eligible for a directed study

    Any student wishing to do a directed study must obtain approval from the department and complete a Directed Study request.

    Special Topics

    Special topics courses are created on a temporary basis to allow students to engage with specific issues within a field of study that do not currently align with existing approved courses, or to evaluate demand for a new course or area of study. Special topics courses are individually designed by the instructor for a specific semester.

    The following institutional regulations apply to special topic courses. Additional departmental requirements may exist.

    • Content in the special topic course must not substantially overlap an existing course in the curriculum.
    • Special topics courses cannot be required in a degree, concentration, minor, or certificate program because of their temporary nature, but may be included in a list of electives for any program.
    • No course may be offered more than three times using a Special Topics course number/and or topic. If after being taught, the course can go through the curriculum process to be approved as a new course.

    Note: Special Topics courses are temporary; they are not ongoing courses with variable topics. Variable topics courses offer different content in different semesters and have undergone curricular approval.

    Cooperative Education and Internships

    The cooperative education (co-op) and internship courses offer participating students work experience relevant to their majors. Most employers want graduates with practical experience and often prefer to hire those who have worked with them and others through internships or co-ops. For information about co-op and internship opportunities, contact the Department of Career Planning and Development or the corresponding academic department. For information about the applicability of co-op and internship courses to a particular major, contact the corresponding academic advisor.

    S/U grades will be assigned for co-op classes. One exception is COOP 2000, which is a 12-credit hour cooperative education course taken as an audit, where a grade of ‘V’ is assigned.

    The Internship grade structure depends on the academic department involved.

    Grade Point Average (GPA)

    Kennesaw State University uses a 4.00 grade point average (GPA) system, calculated to and truncated at three significant digits. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned by the total number of credit hours for which grades were assigned, excluding courses in learning support (0998, 0999).

    Term GPA

    Kennesaw State University calculates a term grade point average (Term GPA or Semester GPA) for courses attempted each semester.

    Institutional GPA

    Kennesaw State University calculates an institutional GPA that is used as the primary, overall GPA. Transfer credit/grades will not be used in calculating the institutional GPA. The institutional GPA for the applicable term will be used to determine semester honors and academic standing at the end of the term. This GPA is adjusted for course repeats.

    Cumulative GPA

    Kennesaw State University calculates a cumulative GPA by dividing the total number of credit hours in which a grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “F”, or “WF” was earned into the number of quality points earned for those hours.Institutional credit, such as credit for learning support courses, will not be included in this GPA.

    Grade Changes

    Errors ingrades must be reported to the Office of the Registrar immediately. In general, nogradechanges will be made after the end of the next semester after thegradewas assigned, except with the approval of the Academic Standing Committee. In general, the Academic Standing Committee, as described in University Handbook, Section 3.1.2, will not consider requests for gradechanges beyond one year from the end of the semester in which thegradewas assigned. A petition for a gradechangewill not be accepted after the date of graduation.

    Grade Appeals

    A student’s rights to grade appeals are defined in the University catalogs. Each faculty member must specify their grading policy in the syllabus at the beginning of the course. The faculty member may change the grading policy for cause after that time but must do so uniformly with ample notification to students.

    The grading policy must be specific, in writing and distributed or otherwise provided to the class at the beginning of the course. Some departments may also require faculty members to file grading policy statements in the departmental office. Because the student can submit a grade appeal to the Department Chair within 20 business days after the first day of classes of the next academic term after the academic term in which the final grade was awarded to the student (see Grade Appeals Procedure), it is strongly recommended that instructors retain any student papers, tests, projects, or other materials not returned to the student for 90 days after the end of a semester or if an appeal is filed until the appeal is resolved.

    Grade Appeal Policy

    Kennesaw State University is committed to treating students fairly in the grading process. A student may appeal a final grade awarded for a course. Interim grades or grades on specific assignments are not appealable. An appeal must be based on one or more or the following:

    • an allegation that the faculty member has violated the stated grading policy,
    • an allegation that the faculty member assigned a grade using a different standard than was used with other students in the same course,
    • an allegation that the grade was miscalculated.

    The student has the burden of proving these allegations. All formal appeals under these procedures will be based only on the written record.

    This process does not address academic integrity allegations, faculty misconduct, or discrimination/retaliation. If the student alleges their grade is based on discrimination or retaliation because of their membership in a protected class, the student may file a complaint with the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).The OIE is responsible for ensuring the KSU campus community complies with all applicable laws and policies regarding Title IX and discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran and military status. If the student believes they have experienced discrimination based on any of these protected classes, they may file a report here:

    Please note: Complaints filed with the OIE are independent of the grade appeal process and are not reviewed by OIE as an appeal of a grade. This means, if an OIE complaint is filed, the grade, whether assigned by the instructor, or amended through the grade appeal process, will remain the final grade. Upon receiving a finding from the OIE as to whether there is a violation, the Dean will determine whether a change of grade is warranted.

    Filing a complaint of discrimination/retaliation with the OIE regarding a grade does not change the time requirements for filing a grade appeal based on this policy.

    Grade Appeal Procedure

    The following steps must be followed by any student seeking to appeal a grade:


    The student is encouraged to discuss concerns and disputes over final course grades with the faculty member, prior to filing a formal grade appeal, to understand the basis of the grade. The faculty member is expected to be available to the student, to respond to emails, and to discuss grades so that, if possible, grade disputes can be resolved informally. If pursuing a grade appeal using the informal process, students and faculty must keep in mind the deadline for filing a formal appeal. An informal appeal does not change the deadline for filing a formal appeal.


    In situations where an informal resolution does not occur or is not successful, the student may appeal the final course grade to the Department Chair of the department offering the course. The appeal must be in writing using the Final Grade Appeal Form and describe the precise basis for the appeal (see list of allegations above). Any pertinent information must be submitted with the appeal in order to be considered in this or subsequent appeals, for example:

    • course syllabus,
    • instructions for assignments indicating grading procedures/expectations including grading rubrics and grading scales
    • emails or other communications between the student and faculty relevant to the allegations.

    The appeal must be submitted within 20 business days after the first day of classes of the next academic term (fall, spring, summer) after the academic term in which the final grade was posted in Banner/D2L. The Chair will provide the faculty member who assigned the grade with the opportunity to respond in writing to the student’s appeal. The Department Chair (or the Chair’s designee) will review the allegations, conduct any additional fact finding as needed and then provide a decision in writing to the student. The decision should be issued within 20 business days of the receipt of the complaint in the Department. The Chair’s written decision will specifically address the relevant issues raised by the student. If there is a delay in issuing a decision by the deadline, the Chair/Chair’s designee will notify the student and faculty member explaining the reason for needing additional time to issue a decision. The maximum amount of additional time to issue a decision is ten (10) business days.

    The student may appeal the Department Chair’s decision within 20 business days of being notified of the Chair’s decision. Such appeal will be made, in writing, to the Dean of the College in which the Department is located. At the Dean’s discretion, the Dean can appoint an advisory panel, consisting of two (2) faculty members from outside the department where the grade was awarded and one (1) student to review the written documentation and make a recommendation to the Dean. The advisory panel may invite the student and the faculty member who awarded the grade to meet with the panel to share each party’s position on the grade dispute. The panel will provide a written recommendation to the Dean within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the appeal.

    The Dean will issue a decision to the student, in writing, within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the report from the advisory panel or within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of the written complaint from the student if no panel was appointed. If there is a delay in issuing a decision by the deadline, the Dean will notify the student and faculty member explaining the reason for needing additional time to issue a decision. The maximum amount of additional time to issue a decision is ten (10) business days.

    The student may appeal the Dean’s decision to the Provost or Provost’s designee, in writing, within twenty (20) business days of being notified of the Dean’s decision.

    If the grade appeal involves a graduate course, the student will direct this written appeal to the Dean of the Graduate College, and the Graduate College Dean will issue a decision to the student, in writing, within twenty (20) business days of receiving the appeal. Within twenty (20) days of that decision, the student may then appeal to the Provost as described in this section].

    In either situation, the Provost/Provost’s designee will issue a decision to the student in writing within twenty (20) business days of receiving the appeal. The Provost/Provost’s designee will notify the student and faculty member and provide a justification if there is a delay in issuing a decision by the deadline. The maximum amount of additional time is 10 business days.

    The Provost’s decision is final. Decisions regarding grades may not be appealed to the President of KSU nor to the Board of Regents (per BOR Policy Manual, Section 6.26).

    Nothing in this grade appeal process prohibits the parties from settling this matter at any stage. However, any attempt to settle the matter through mediation does not affect the deadlines assigned to each level of the grade appeals process.

    It is University policy that students filing grievances and those who are witnesses are protected from retaliation.

    Semester Honors

    Dean’s List

    An undergraduate student is eligible for the Dean’s list at the end of a term if the student was enrolled in at least 9 credit hours awarding A, B, C, D, F, or WF grades for that term and earned a term grade point average of at least 3.5 (but less than 4.0).

    President’s List

    An undergraduate student is eligible for the President’s list at the end of a term if the student was enrolled in at least 9 credit hours awarding A, B, C, D, F, or WF grades for that term and earned a term grade point average of 4.0.

    Academic Standing

    Good Standing

    An undergraduate student is in good standing when the student’s institutional GPA is 2.00 or higher.

    Academic Probation

    A student will be placed on academic probation at the end of any term for which the student’s institutional grade point average is below 2.00. A student may enroll in no more than 13 credit hours while on academic probation.

    Academic Dismissal

    A student on academic probation will be dismissed if:

    • the student does not earn a 2.00 or higher term grade point average or
    • the student is on academic probation for three (3) consecutive semesters.

    An academically dismissed student is not in good academic standing at KSU and is not eligible for immediate readmission.

    Readmission to the University after Dismissal

    • After the first academic dismissal, a student may be considered for readmission after an absence of one semester. A dismissed student must apply for readmission through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions prior to posted deadlines.
    • After the second academic dismissal, a student may be considered for readmission after an absence of one calendar year from the end of the semester for which the second dismissal occurred. A dismissed student must apply for readmission through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions prior to posted deadlines.
    • After the third academic dismissal, the student will no longer be eligible for readmission.

    Any exceptions to this policy must be appealed and approved by the Academic Standing Committee per BOR Policy Manual, Section 6.26. Information on academic appeals is available through the Office of the Registrar website.

    Repeated Courses

    When an undergraduate course completed at Kennesaw State University is repeated at KSU with a higher grade, the highest grade received will be counted in the institutional GPA calculations. The student’s permanent record and cumulative grade point average will retain all course attempts and grades.

    If a student completed a course at KSU then earned a higher grade repeating the same course at another institution during or after Fall Semester 2015, the KSU course grade will be excluded from the student’s institutional GPA the next semesterthe student is enrolled at KSU.


    After attempting an undergraduate course for the second time, including withdrawals (W or WF) but excluding courses noted in the Catalog as repeatable for credit,a student will not be allowed to re-enroll in the course without thepermission of the Department Chair or designee. It is the solediscretion of the Department Chair or designee to decide if a studentwill be allowed to enroll in a class that the student previously attempted twice.

    Academic Renewal

    An undergraduate student who was readmitted to KSU after a period of absence of three calendar years or longer is eligible for Academic Renewal. The institutional GPA may be restarted by petitioning the Office of the Registrar for an Academic Renewal, allowing a degree-seeking student who experienced academic difficulty to make a fresh start.

    The institutional GPA is used to determine academic standing (probation or dismissal), eligibility for program admission, and with some restrictions, eligibility for graduation and honors. Courses completed before Academic Renewal was granted do not count toward residency requirements for graduation or honors.

    A student requesting Academic Renewal must contact the Office of the Registrar to complete the Academic RenewalRequest Form. The request must be submitted within one calendar year of the first day of classes of the student’s first semester of reenrollment after the absence of three or more calendar years. A student can begranted Academic Renewalstatus only one time within the USG system. Once granted, thepetition for Academic Renewalcannot be rescinded.

    Academic Renewal for Second Degree

    A student’s institutional GPA may be restarted at the time of reenrollment for a second KSU undergraduate degree. A student requesting Academic Renewal for a Second Degree must contact the Office of the Registrar to complete the Academic Renewal for a Second Degree Request Form. The request must be submitted within one calendar year of the first day of classes of the student’s first semester of reenrollment after the absence of three or more calendar years. A student can be granted Academic Renewal for Second Degree status only one time.

    Academic Policies Grading Policies - Kennesaw State University (2024)


    What is a passing grade at Kennesaw State University? ›

    This depends on the course. A grade of “D” is considered passing in many general education courses. A grade of “C” or higher is required for ENGL 1101 and 1102. A grade of “C” or higher must be earned in all major level courses.

    What is the academic probation policy for Kennesaw State University? ›

    If you are on probation you must make at least a 3.00 GPA each semester that you are on probation or you may be dismissed. If you have a GPA of less than 2.00 (less than a C average) in any semester you may be dismissed.

    How is GPA calculated at Kennesaw State University? ›

    Kennesaw State University uses a 4.00 grade point average (GPA) system, calculated to and truncated at three significant digits. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total quality points earned by the total number of credit hours for which grades were assigned, excluding courses in learning support (0998, 0999).

    What is an incomplete grade at Kennesaw State University? ›

    I – An incomplete grade can be awarded only when students have done satisfactory work up to the final two weeks of the semester, but for nonacademic reasons beyond their control is unable to meet the full requirements of the course.

    Is a 60% a passing grade? ›

    Numerical and letter grades

    However, there are some schools that consider a C the lowest passing grade, so the general standard is that anything below a 60% or 70% is failing, depending on the grading scale. In college and universities, a D is considered to be an unsatisfactory passing grade.

    Is a D+ a fail in college? ›

    The passing cutoff point to satisfy general credit requirements is typically a D or above. Sometimes, your school may have higher grading standards to satisfy your core curriculum or major requirements.

    What GPA puts me on academic probation? ›

    Intended as a red flag to let students know they need to get back on track, academic probation is the result of failing grades. Experts say that typically means below a 2.0 GPA, though that number can vary by college and even by the specific program of study.

    What GPA do you have to have to get into Kennesaw State? ›

    With a GPA of 3.5, Kennesaw State University requires you to be around average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, and very few C's. If you have a lower GPA, you can compensate with harder courses like AP or IB classes.

    Can you get into KSU with a 2.5 GPA? ›

    * Students who have a GPA of less than 3.2 should submit official ACT or SAT scores along with their high school transcript to be considered for admission.

    What GPA is honors Kennesaw? ›

    Undergraduate Honors

    Students are required to have an adjusted GPA of at least 3.5 and earn at least 30 semester credit hours in residence at KSU to graduate with honors.

    How many times can you retake a class ksu? ›

    Retaking Coursework

    To repeat a course that has already been passed (D- or higher) only one additional time. Any repeated attempts after that will not be eligible for financial aid. Note that this applies even if you earn a failing grade (F).

    Does an incomplete grade look bad on transcript? ›

    While intimidating at first, incomplete grades are actually not a permanent mark on a student's record.

    Is 69.9 a passing grade in college? ›

    A letter grade of a D is technically considered passing because it not a failure. A D is any percentage between 60-69%, whereas a failure occurs below 60%.

    Is 70 a passing grade in university? ›

    The normal grading range is from 55 to 100. The number grades correspond to letter grades as reflected in the chart below. The minimum passing grade is 70 (C). Any grades between 55 and 69 (D and F) are considered failing grades for which unit credit is not earned.

    What GPA is considered passing? ›

    Undergraduate students need to have a minimum of 2.0 GPA while graduate students need a 3.0 GPA. While most universities use this standard grading system, each institution differs in the way they grade students as shown by varying GPAs.

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    Author: Carlyn Walter

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    Author information

    Name: Carlyn Walter

    Birthday: 1996-01-03

    Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

    Phone: +8501809515404

    Job: Manufacturing Technician

    Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

    Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.